1 Thessalonians 4:3-5

3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; 4 that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, 5 not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.

Overcoming Pornography

Throughout Chapter 14 of Holiness, Ryle offers challenging exhortations to professing Christians in visible churches. In his general discussion of overcoming sin, I found myself thinking about a particular sin that has wrecked countless lives: pornography. I am convinced that overcoming pornography is one of the greatest discipleship opportunities and counseling needs for men in the church today. The need for addressing this issue will only escalate due to easier digital access, growing isolation from church involvement, and widespread hypersexualization in the media. Undoubtedly, pornography is a great evil and an abomination before the Lord. It emasculates men. It objectifies women. It fuels human trafficking. It scars children. It ruins marriages. It weakens churches. And having personally served this terrible master for nearly a decade of my life, I wish I had discovered Ryle’s wisdom sooner. Here are some words of encouragement that I wish I could share with my younger self and would share with brothers who are struggling with porn:

“…the true believer is not only a soldier, but a victorious soldier. He not only professes to fight on Christ’s side against sin, the world, and the devil, but he does actually fight and overcome” (Ryle 314).

Kill it now

Dear Christian, fight and overcome this sin. Though the prevailing attitude for men in the church who struggle with porn is often one of hopelessness, do not adopt this defeatist mindset. Don’t pacify yourself with the Devil’s lie that “this standard of holiness is unattainable” or that “this problem will go away when I get older or get married.” It is possible to overcome now. Where is your faith? Where is your hope? The same power that raised Christ from the dead is working in you (Ephesians 1:19). Don’t cage the sin. Slit its throat. It is a fleshly desire which wages war against your soul (1 Peter 2:11).

Avoid Complacency

“No man with his eyes open can fail to see that the Christianity of the New Testament is something far higher and deeper than the Christianity of most professing Christians” (Ryle 318).

Dear Christian, do not become complacent by comparing yourself to other sinful men. By all means, join an accountability group and confess your sin to one another. But beware that it doesn’t degenerate into some pathetic pity party. There will be a strong temptation to look around and say, “Everyone struggles with this. At least I’m doing better than that guy.” There is no grading on a curve before God. Your standard and example is Christ.

You Need Faith

“What was the secret of their victory? – their faith. They believed on Jesus, and believing were made strong. They believed on Jesus, and believing were held up. In all their battles, they kept their eyes on Jesus, and he never left them nor forsook them” (Ryle 316).

Dear Christian, this is a battle that is won with faith. No amount of surveillance software, phone downgrading, communal living, or daily check-ins will help you if you have no faith. Set the foundation first: Believe that God’s Word is true. Believe that obedience to God is better than the fleeting pleasures of sin. Believe that sin brings forth death when fully grown. Believe that the pure in heart shall see God.

Persevere and March on

“What though you lose a battle or two? You shall not lose all. What though you faint sometimes? You shall not be quite cast down. What though you fall seven times? You shall not be destroyed” (Ryle 317).

Dear Christian, be resilient and strong. You persevere in your studies. You work hard in your athletics. You toil in your professional endeavors. You endure through other earthly hardships and challenges. Your battle against sin should be met with greater resolve. Get up (Proverbs 24:16). There are more prayers to be offered, more hands to cut off, more eyeballs to pluck, more Scripture to memorize, and more songs of praise to sing. Strive fiercely against your own flesh and beat it into submission, knowing that your salvation has been secured in Christ (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

Works Cited

  • Ryle, J.C. Holiness. Banner of Truth, 2014.